Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Creat The Most Profitable Kitchen Garden

It may be impossible to put a price on the satisfaction of bringing in a basket of fresh produce from your garden. In addition to having improved taste really fresh produce from your garden in relation to your local supermarket. Even when I was picking my potatoes in the summer with my daughter, I thought, "It would be smarter for me to grow anything else in this room?" I estimate 4-5 off the square, I used these plants I probably have about $ 05.04 worth of potatoes.

I did a little research first to determine the different cultures of plants per square meter and second, the value (organic supermarket prices USD) has to produce the crop. Because I'm a city dweller with a relatively small space for my garden (30 to 35 square feet) make decisions about what to buy in the supermarket and grow in the garden can be a money saver.

Now from the results below you can see the winners to produce more value per square meter, a lot of vegetables / herbs (cilantro, lettuce, chives, dill, chard) next, many of the larger plants tomato vine (squash, pumpkin , pea), with many of the plants roots take up the rear. Now much of this makes sense, where many of the plants that grow on the vine trellises and allowed to spread, which I think is kind of cheating a square foot rule, but I'll let it slide. Comparison with root plants whose production is completely dependent on the space allowed in the area that has to grow, as these items are generally cheaper to start producing.

Ornamental Kitchen Garden – A New and Latest Concept

Gardens are of two types - the kind that the production of food, the kind worth seeing. A mosaic of colors vegetables and fruit, spice and culinary herbs fragrant Flowers can be picked up by the basket load. Kitchen garden can be viewed at: Study area for planting, since most of the vegetables and herbs and flowers of many people feel better when they are at least 10 hours a day of sun and some partial sun is tolerated - six hours a day - even if it can produce so abundant, determine the purpose of the garden will serve as either a source of food and flowers for a large family and a steady flow of people or two, with a little more for occasional visitors, do some research by reading some of the many books and magazines devoted to beautiful gardens and study the pictures, think realistically about the amount of time to be spent tending the garden, when deciding on a size that can comfortably handle and then reduced by one third, to decide on the plants that grow there, books and a couple of rounds on tour garden is useful, especially for plants of the estate, which are almost always tastier than the hybrids modern and more often of colors, the flowers tend to be fragrant, too.

Kitchen garden can also be viewed by: determine landscaping which is very attractive, and sketch their outlines on paper by selecting the dimensions, remove any covering of peat and prepare the site for planting, planting designs drawing facilities, flour, mark the desired contours of more permanently, by using poles and string to indicate the edges of the beds, if the design is mainly composed of straight lines and using a shovel or lawn tools to highlight the ratio of the bends and free-form shapes, build some fences, walls or latticesAnd designing roads - either brick, gravel, or grass - before planting.

For inspiration, not only plants but also the design features are considered as roads, fences, walls and trellises, and shapes and sizes of planting areas, along with useful and beautiful extras, such as birdbaths, watches sun, fountains, tables, chairs and an area to sit and relax in the garden.
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